As a Graphic Facilitator , people always have a lot of questions about what I do and how it works. At least in the beginning, before they literally see how it works. Therefore I though to put together some of the most frequent ones so here is how I go from the Elephant in the room to the Graphic Facilitator Elephant in the room. I hope this clears a part of your questions, if not you can always contact me. 


What do you do?
I have a rather unusual job. I’m a Visual Facilitator. When a group of people is having a meeting to share ideas, build and discuss strategies, I map their conversation on a big sheet of paper shaping their thoughts, showing connections and patterns. They can literally see “the bigger picture”.

Sure. Let’s say you have a strategy meeting and you want to incorporate the participants views in a cohesive way that reflects a common understanding and shared goals.

My role is to analyze all the perspectives, synthesize them and deliver a visual mind map that integrates all those voices as parts of a whole.

Can you be more specific?
Do you speak as well?

I generally don’t. But sometimes I do. Usually I actually listen and then start the visual engine.

It does mean that you have to have a facilitator. Does it have to be a certified one? Not really. It can be a project manager, a head of operations, a guide throughout the discussion.
So that means that we have to have a professional verbal facilitator?
You mention conferences and events in your description? Do I have to have a big event to use your skills?
I’m glad you asked. No, not really. Graphic Facilitation supports decision taking and perspective changing . So you can have a goal setting meeting, a future roadmap or a quick brainstorming session
It does mean that you have to have a facilitator. Does it have to be a certified one? Not really. It can be a project manager, a head of operations, a guide throughout the discussion.
Ok. I wanna work with you! What are the next steps?


What is the maximum group size you can work with and how long do sessions have to be?
I have work with groups up to 200 people to a handful in meetings from 45 minutes to 8-9h workshops.
Generally no. If it’s something super technical that uses acronyms like KPIs (Key Performance Indicators)etc, then yes it will be helpful to have a general idea in what is going to be discussed. Most times I like to really be in the moment and follow the natural flow of the discussion.
Do you have to know what the event is about?
Why do you want to stay in the front of the room? Isn’t it distracting for the audience?
Funny you ask. That’s quite a frequent question. I like to stay in the front of the room because I can clearly hear the speaker, he can see how the discussion is progressing, if he’s clear or need to insist on some points. At the end of the day, even though the audience would be distracted, I’m only visualizing what the speaker is saying so we’re in the same team.
Now then I would be distracting because the audience wouldn’t know where to focus. The speaker, the PPT or my visual facilitation. But if you have a lengthy PPT, maybe we can speak on how we can work on a shorter visual version of it.
Can we have you and a Powerpoint?
Do you travel? Do you charge for traveling?
Yes I do. Generally I don’t charge for travelling but it might depend on the hours to get to that place.
For most times I bring my own paper, foam boards and professional markers. I occasionally might need a pair of flipcharts or a wide space where I can stick my piece of paper.
What materials do you need?


Do we need to sign a contract?
Yes, we do. We will need to sign a contract before the event. Your legal department can check the clauses and we can also sign a NDA.
Let’s speak about it.
How much do you charge?
Do you work half days?
Yes, I do work half days though I don’t work undercover full days.


What do we get and when do we get it?

When the speaker or the group is done, I am done as well. For the clean version of the visualization, depending on the end of the session. If it’s a half day, you will receive that same day. If it’s a full day, then you will receive it the following day, all ready to share and use it for marketing, newsletters, follow-up e-mails.
That’s a really good question. Yes, you could, but it will make the most sense to the people from the room that were there to witness the event or participated to the discussion. It’s basically a vestige of what has happen and an engagement tool for the future.
Can I send the images to the entire company?
I wanna do what you do!
That’s great! I offer workshops on how to visually deliver information and better communicate ideas in a more suggestive manner. Let’s speak about it! Or should I better say: Let’s visualize it!